Forget it

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Oct 30, 2005

OK, i can't take this, i don't care
I try so hard to ALWAYS be there

You'll always be my sister, no matter what i do
But it's my decision whether or not to like you

And i tell people you're like my best friend
I should have known that it would come to an end

You've known him a year and me your whole life
Yous are only acquaintances and you're going to be his wife

Call me a liar, say I'm trying to ruin everything for you
Tell me everything that you want too

And at one point, i do want him to just crack you across the face
You know...really put you in your place

But then i don't want you to get hurt, not at all
I don't want him to cause you to fall

But maybe it takes pain to realize what is true
Maybe hell is what you need to go through

You're throwing away two good friends who have always been there
And no matter what i was doing, i was always there to care

So you turn on me because of your better half
I turn around to start to laugh

Your better half is a complete butthole?
Then i wouldn't want to touch your good side with a 30 foot pole

I thought that when you would move away
Is when I'd say goodbye...but not today

You want me out of your life...fine
But don't ever come walking back into mine

It hurts so much because nobody in the family really does care
It's only my gram who will always be there

So forget our memories...forget me too
Forget everything i ever DID for you

Forget the words i said to get you through the fight
Forget the fun times we had at night

It's so hard to turn the other way
Because I'm still wondering if you're OK

But if you don't care for me, then there's nothing i can do
I cannot be him and control you

Just be careful of his words spoken
Because his promises will be broken

And it's asked him if he ever flirted with me
His answer came out silently

Oh wait...he didn't reply AT ALL
That was a tough one to call

You still think I'm a liar though
I told you the truth and you just said no

I want to go home Keely, but i guess it's not here
Living by myself is a new fear

I'm lost Keely but you turned the light out
You left me in the middle of doubt

So good-night and do what you want to do
I still can't believe i lost you


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