Losing Control

by Fighter (Ariane L.)   Oct 31, 2005

Trapped within the tiny cubicle, panic strikes.
His hands start to shake, as his body defies him.
Scenes flood his mind, worst scenarios imaginable.
Unable to free himself, stuck within his fear.

Stuck in the elevator, anxiety washes over him.
Losing control over himself, his fear dominates.
Lost within his phobia, his body begins to tremble.
Losing control of himself, violent shivers take over.
Stuck within his fear, anxiety takes the better of him.

*definitely not my best, but wtv. strange idea (hihi), yet somewhat... interesting lol


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  • 18 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    That's a very unique idea for a poem, I don't think I've seen anyone else write a piece about a phobia. It was ver well executed and gave the reader a sense of anxiety. You accomplished what you set out to do extremely well in the write.

    Warmest regards,


  • 18 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Kool idea it sort of plays on claustrophobia (i mite have spelt that wrong) 5/5 xox

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    This was unique Fighter, I loved it keep it up *HUGS*


  • Wow... i really liked this..
    It's very different but still really well written.
    There's a good flow to it and your choice of words make it even better.
    Definately 5/5

    xxx cici xxx