My Sad Good-Bye

by   Oct 31, 2005

Now I must say good-bye
It has come to the end, sadly
But please don't worry,
Because now it won't hurt so badly

I tried my hardest,
I gave it my all.
But the people around me,
just made me feel so small.

I tried to perfect
I tried for so long
But my efforts were worthless,
I was never that strong...

I was so broken,
all I could do was cry
But now that it is over
My tears will finally dry.

I hurt so much inside
I drowned in my sorrow
But the pain will be gone
Because there will be no tomorrow...

And as I leave this place
I give you my glory
You see my writs
Now tell a beautiful story

A story of a girl
A girl who was born
But for only one reason
To be broken and torn

She lived each day
With a fake smile
But on the inside
She was hurting all the while

Each night was the same
She would grab her blade
And make the marks
That would never fade.

Then one day
She just gave in
She walked away
From the fight she couldn't win...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Marissa

    I love your poems.. they are all great.. keep up the good work cya Ris