Have you ever been left alone on this very special day?
Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to be?
Just think while your at home in the candle light, opening your presents
think of the kids who are too poor
or just homeless!
They don't have any fun on X-mas day
to them they just lay
its like an ordinary day for them
for any regular kid, they just can't wait
but if you ever really thought, X-mas
is not all about the gifts
You can't just expect them
you have earned them
but those kids that don't get anything, remember
that could be you!
You are one of the lucky ones
you just don't know it yet
those kids cry every night before X-mas
crying for there parents
while any regular kid is at home with there parents
those kids dream to be with there parents again, while other kids just yell at there's
they don't know how lucky they really are
untill they meet orphans
now remember pray for these kids
don't be ashamed of who you are now
just remember you could be worst