A Witch's Spell [Part 1]

by lostlllsoul   Oct 31, 2005

The moon is full
The sky is clear
Dark creatures arise
Release your fears!

With potions and pests
I'll make you alive
Soon your sisters and brothers
Shall be revived!

Chopped up lizard
And half-boiled fleas
Human fingers
Dipped in moldering cheese

Eyeballs of mice
Covered in mud
Venom of scorpion
Diluted in blood

Time to pour
Everything into the pot
Now mix it well
Whilst the fire's still hot

Now where is a child
so innocent and pure
To be turn into a demon
A curse forever to endure!

Come my dear child
Just take one sip
This potion so intoxicating
Your life it grips

Now take this charm
And get more souls
Return before dawn
Or you'll perish a whole!

A zombie of children I see
Well done my child
Now monsters they'll be!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Wow..great poem...hmmmm...evillll!!

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Oh...like I said...it's very nice...now I'm going to check out part two...

  • 19 years ago

    by shadowlight

    I defantly like this poem.

    the rhyme sceem works very well :-)