Midnight flight

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Nov 1, 2005

I close my eyes and count to ten
Tell me when it's done, tell me when

I don't know what's going on in your mind
Or why you've suddenly chose to leave me behind

But Dad, i will always love you no matter what you do
Even if you don't care about me too

I don't know what happened, the feeling has changed
Something in your head and heart has rearranged

You don't bother with nobody anymore, only...your wife
Anymore, she's the only one in your life

Look at the albums dad, of you and me
Just us too...we were our own little family

I'd skip school just to go fishing with you
Then we'd go for ice-cream by Deep Creek on our way through

We'd go four wheeling and come back covered in mud from head to toe
We'd shoot the rats with our BB guns after mother said no

We'd have so many laughs in one single day
We'd take aimless drives when things weren't OK

You taught me so much but still I'm left helpless
And half is your fault for this

I covered your back when you were running around
I was the one who made sure you would never fall down

But while i was helping you, i was fighting for me
I was so low, and it's something you couldn't see

I cried because i didn't want you to see my pain
I was afraid you'd think that i was insane

But you saw my wrists and walked away
You left with nothing to say

Then it reversed and you took your fall
I took the letter before you took it all

And since then...it's been pure hell
I don't know why things aren't going so well

I need help and you turn away
I start to cry because I WANT YOU TO STAY

I did NOTHING to you and I'll shout this to you
I'll scream until my voice is gone too

What do I have to prove to you dad?
You're the only true parent I EVER HAD

I'm not going to struggle to keep you here
I don't want you to be miserable while you're near

If you want to follow mother go ahead
But never forget anything that I've said

Yell at me, harass me, go ahead push me around too
Then tell me how it feels when I'm crying over you

Watch my tears roll off my face
Hear my heart break in this hell of a place

Wake up dad...this house isn't a home
How can you NOT care when I'm all alone?

Maybe i should runaway...just leave this town
How would you act without me being around?

Maybe I'll pack my bags and leave tonight
I'll fly with the angels on a midnight flight


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