Be there for you!

by Ali   Nov 1, 2005

My emotions are running high,
This love for you will never die,
I still remember your smile & glee,
You aren't here, this pain I can't let flee,

My life's meaningless since all these days,
With you it was full of love & sunshine rays,
Night after night, my love grows for you,
Wondering and wondering, what should i do,

Should i just move on, because it wasn't meant to be,
Or should i just keep up this long wait and see,
Since a kid I had this image of my life,
That you'll be mine and one day be my wife,

At this time there is no room for me to express,
Without you its all problems, I am in complete distress,
I'll keep trying for you until I am alive,
As in your love deep n deep I dive,

I have gone through too much heartache over you,
Spent hours thinking, what should I do,
But it doesn't even matter too,
If in the end of this I get you,

So I'll Never give up & will keep up this try,
No matter how long & how much I have to cry,
So whenever you come back you'll always find me there,
As my desire grows for you with a lot of love & care,


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by nandini

    Good work here.....written quite well i must say!!! Keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreamer

    Stay cool man, keep that little hope just dont get to much, itll hurt you..
    inshallah ill get my goodbye poem on the site soon, i still have to finish the last part, this will be the poem im gonna give to her now everything seems to have ended.

    ill get it up tomorrow i think, you should read it then ^^

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Amazing poem 5/5 Really like have lots of talent..thanks for sharing.

  • 19 years ago

    by nina hart

    Really well expresed i loved it keep on writing u sure have a great telent.

  • 19 years ago

    by Truly in Love

    Wow... this is how love really should be... i loved the way you potrayed your feelings... good work
    keep writing
