So Scared

by AJ   Nov 2, 2005

I got the call,
Seven A.M.,
You had been in a wreck,
That's all I knew.
I rushed to the closest phone,
I had to know,
Were you O.K.,
Were you alive?
For hours,
I knew nothing,
I called everyone,
I called everywhere,
But your voice I did not find.
Finally, I reached your house,
You picked up the phone,
I heard your voice,
And finally breathed.
I felt tears,
Come to my eyes,
I held them back,
Until I was outside.
I had been so scared,
What if you had died?
All I could think about,
Is what I would do,
If I lost you.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by mier

    This is really touching... A little sorrowful for me to think if it has a sad ending.. But overall, I like the tension in this poem.. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    Nice dude, I been in quite a few car wrecks, I got myself hit by like 5 cars (all of them I was walking so I got F'ed up for a while but I'm good now)

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Aww hun this is really sweet xox

  • 19 years ago

    by kay tee

    I like that! I alwayz wondered if sumthin like that happened to some one close to me! My dad is a cop so i worry about him every day! Good job keep ^ the good work