Just to Die

by Lithium   Nov 2, 2005

I just want to be alone,
Here to live on my own,
I dont' want people to care,
Or realize that I'm there,

These scars remind me,
What was meant to be,
And imperfect life,
Full of heartache and strife,

The smiles glanced my way,
Are starting to mean nothing each day,
Each tear that's cried,
Is one wishing to die,

Each word you say behind my back,
About all the talents I lack,
The rumors blown way out,
Just makes me want to shout,

All they see a girl so sad,
No happiness just completely mad,
She's not normal she's insane,
Causing herself so much pain,

No one see behind this mask,
What she wants her special task,
Die a quick death and be free,
Be myself just be me,

No more judgmental peers,
Just clapping and cheers,
Reaching her goal no longer a lie,
All she ever wanted was to die.

©Samantha Jayne Reed
Wrote on November 2nd, 2005


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  • 19 years ago

    by Red Charm

    Great poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Is it...do you really feel that way...oh hun...It must be tough...but trust me...you won't want to die...or you'll regret...luv ya...nice one...definitely a 5/5

  • A very poerful poem..
    Very well worded, definately 5/5, it really spoke to me... in many ways.

    Thanks for your comments, i really appreciate them.

    xxx cici xx

  • 19 years ago

    by im ur AdDiCtiOn

    Sam, a lot of poeple love and a lot of people care and its a part of them that thye can probably never leave your a very wonderful girl and no matter what you will always have your close friends and even people who arent your friends just remember theres always someone there for you even if you dont think so.

  • 19 years ago

    by CourtneyLouxxx

    This is good hunni...but i can't help think that somethings wrong, im here for you and u can tell me anything