I'll always remember

by KAP DAR   Nov 3, 2005

I'll always remember
the hugs we shared
the kiss of i care
the funny little talks we shard
all the faces among the smiles
yours is the face
i like to see smiling
the best

as time drifts by
past each others hearts
i conclude the mindful soul
must let go to all
for gets fads the pain
of the past
to simply breath in again
laughter is
to live life the only way it can
with a tear of love
the soul reaches us
deep down takes hold
to a deeper understanding
that there is More to life
to be found
more to life
then words or sound
in the still of the morning
for it is not our destiny
but the things we miss between
along the way
the simple things
no end is to
surely see you
my Friend again...


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  • 18 years ago

    by lacy byrum

    DuDe I fLiPpIn LoVeD tHiS pOeM! i GaVe It A 5!!!!!!!!!