My Surrender

by President Dead   Nov 3, 2005

When the blood begins to spill,
Will anybody care at all?
Will people stand and laugh,
Is my significance really so small.

Does any one give a dam,
I never get a second glance,
I'm on fire when I sleep,
I don't want a second chance.

I'm done with being what I am,
I've had more than I can take,
I will have no redemption,
What difference will it make?

I offer my soul to the Antichrist,
To Lucifer himself,
Take now from where I stand,
And place me on your shelf.

As I fall into the flames,
I leave not one mark,
For once I've been accepted,
I've been chosen by the dark.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by RetroRavey

    Powerful. As always. 5/5


  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenTessa

    Not bad, i liked
    I'm done with being what I am,
    I've had more than I can take,
    I will have no redemption,
    What difference will it make?
    but some of your rhymes where really simple. Other than that. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    I have read this poem several times, and yet haven't commented. I keep coming back to the last lines: "For once I've been accepted,
    I've been chosen by the dark." they are very powerful and resonate deeply with emotion.

  • 19 years ago

    by aliiiii

    Thats great. ALL YOUR POEMS ARE GREAT DAMNIT!!! lol, I wish I could write like you. Or alot of people too. But you have your own little way of unique writing. I love it. If I had a big vocabulary, I'm sure my poems would be better. But 5/5, its awsome. I loved it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    I dont think i fully understood that poem at first so obviously i have read it again thrice times
    i know the feeling and Im there for you if you need to talk please dont feel this way on your own
    let me in and i can help
    i love YOU
    so you are accepted your accepted with me thats if youll have me. . .
    I loved it

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