Apathetic Man

by last_petal   Nov 3, 2005

For me you're not
But for them
You are
So apathetic

'Cause you
You never learned
To smile
And have fun

But how fool I am
To believe you're not
Even though
You are truly as apathetic one

Not just a simple apathetic man
But also a selfish one
You never recognized
Dainty things to enormous ones

And even the worth
Of other's feelings
To you
Are worthless

I am so amaze
In your courage
To stand alone
In the midst of coldness

But still
You are apathetic
You are alone
Even though you have a good life

I think
You never
Had been friends
To anyone

You have
Never been
In love
So much

Not just like
Ordinary people
That lives
Not that good but not an apathetic one like you

You have something
Peculiar in your heart
I hope I can touch it
And make it feel my warm hands

Not to hurt it
But to make it feel
That there's someone who is willing
To make it soft as a cotton.


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  • 19 years ago

    by RadianceInReverse

    I liked this one as well..but i think that maybe it could use a little more rhyme..but besides that it was really good...JOc

  • 19 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    I really like this poem, which is unusual cuz i dont usually feel poems that dont rythm (sp?? lol) but yeh, good work