I guess this is the feeling you get
Starts with a seemingly harmless crumble
And turns into a wild, violent avalanche
The feeling of your world crashing down around you
Soon your perceptions start to change
You develop hate for those you've always loved
You develop love for those you've always hated
Who's going to stab you in the back tonight?
Questions arise about who you love and who you hate
And who you're pretending to in order to fit in
Your so-called friends turn their backs and walk away
Leave you standing back and choking on their dust
However hard they try to be subtle you realize
You've been downgraded to nothing more than a placeholder
You're aware that you're no longer one of them
You know they don't care one way or the other
Even with no idea at all what happened
You apparently did something really wrong
It's not like they're going to tell you what it was
Only thing to do is try yourself to figure it out
After an unnoticed but life changing day
You realize all your permanent fixtures are gone
And the friends you once held so close to your heart
Are nothing more than people you used to know.