Not a word

by Sara   Nov 3, 2005

Another day is passing
Ad still there is no word.
On how ur life is going
and who is in you\'re world.

I prey u will consider
these words i rte 2 u.
I liked you in my life,
Yet maybe now its through!

I dont want our relationship
2 cum 2 an end
N i dont want 2 find
our lives standing still

We r moving towards the end
And really ought to wait
coz god planted something special
Deep within our hearts.

I know you\'re life is hectic
Ur busy all day through
My life is busy also
but still i think of u!

I want to send my love
And remind u of these things
Just s u know
U Mean So Much To Me!!!

(this goez out 2 my dad) please vote it would mean alot THANKS GUYZ i appreciate it


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