Everyone but you

by DeathsLove   Nov 4, 2005

I thought my life was bad before

A dark depression hung over me

Making me hate the things I once loved

Making me hate myself

Then I just had to see you

It was love at first sight

I feel like I know you even though I don't

I cant stop thinking about you

You were my anti-depressant

I was happy

I smiled for the first time in years

I felt alive

I felt a pulse

A heartbeat

The dark colors seemed to fade away

Bright colors caught my eyes

I got rid of my black clothes

I turned them in for bright colors

The bliss is now gone

And Ive realized

You weren't my anti-depressant

Your a new depression

One I cant control

Making me feel more alone then before

Everyday I don't have you

I die more inside

Not like before though

This death is different

A death that doesn't satisfy me

A death that leaves me torn and broken

One that causes more pain the releases

The cutting had stopped

The blood had stopped from flowing

But now I have scars of trying to forget your face

Scars that only remind me more of you

Scars after scars after scars

Now everyone knows

Everyone knows what you did to me

Everyone, but you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by hm

    HEy 5/5 If tHaT GuY HuRt U I wIlL kIlL hIm!If u nEeD 2 TaLk u nO WhEr 2 fINd Me!lUv LotS JoSiE

  • 19 years ago

    by tasha

    Oh my god this sound just like me oh shit i feel like you know me what the hell did he do 2 you did he cheat on you that is wat my 1st did 2 me if you ever wat to talk about this email me at ttrox2000@yahoo.com