Broken Dreams and Ripped Up Seams

by Sexy_Brittney   Nov 4, 2005

The tiles are cold under her fingertips
It feels as though there's pressure of a thousand kisses on her wrists
She's done it again
She pressed the blade and didn't miss

You've tried to save her
The boy that knew her best
But your best wasn't good enough
Now she's laid down to her rest

Screaming you lift her off the floor
Her blood drips down your arm and hits the ground
Her favorite pair of pants are stained
Along with the blade it was the pills you found

Don't wake her up
She wanted to sleep forever in her bliss
But you could have saved her
With just one loving, tender kiss


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  • 18 years ago

    by LuVlYlUfFlY

    That was a good 1 2 i loved it very strong keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Cueball24

    *is crying* That was....the saddest.....poem I have ever read. It was great. *can't stop crying*

  • 19 years ago

    by libby

    Beautiful. "The pressure of a thousand kisses..." I love it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    That is such a gr8 u have a gr8 gift...make sure u use it! 5/5!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

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