My New Shoulder

by theRookienamedKate   Nov 4, 2005

There you are, standing there
My new love, my heart's old tale

I've sure I've dreamt of this before
Little did I know the importance

Of someone to love, some1 to hold
Some shoulder to cry on

I'm yours and your mine
I've finally found my place

Here, with you
And your sweet embrace

Babe, I love you and u love me 2
We're here alone, just me and you

Just us, no one else
Ban insecurity, ban self-doubt

I'm always here, you're always there
We're here for each other,

Through thick and bare


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  • 19 years ago

    by chaoslaw

    Cool poem very touching, I'm glad to see you have happiness within u.

  • 19 years ago

    by chaoslaw

    A very caring and sweet feeling, but most of thos ppl who we need will not always be there. I hope that you have or will have someone who will allways be there and will all ways care for you.

    Like i said sweet & great poem and thats saying alot coming from someone like me.