by kraz33 beautiful   Nov 4, 2005

Last Night\'s Dream
I had a dream last night of you and me. we were both smiling nonstop. we walked together hand in hand. then we drifted apart, you went your way, i went mine. i wasn\'t sad at all cause i know we would soon meet again. i went to my room with a smile ear to ear and i looked at the clothes laid out on my bed and i folded themand put them in a backpack. i laid in bad and pulled out a paper in your handwriting. it had a place written down and these words: \"baby say goodbye to your family and home cause you belong to me and so we will be.\" i look at my room once more and i walk out as i closed one last time. i look in my parents\' room and see them sleeping soundly, i look at them with tearyeyes and walk towards them and kiss them on the forehead softly. i walk on my tip toes and close that door once more. i go across the hall and see my sister looking at me smiling and crying. she knows i\'m leaving. i go and hugher without a word. she looks me in the eye \"i love you and so does he\" comes out of her trembling mouth. i kiss her cheek and look at her and walk out and close that once more.i look at my kitchen, my living room and begin to cry but i remind myself who i love. i smile and walk out my front door and close that door once more. i look up in the dark night and see you standing there as you grab my hand and tell me \"it\'ll be ok\" it felt so real but it was just last night\'s dream...


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  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Lvoe the emotion.....this is anotheer one of my favorites!!!!! even though it was 'last nights dream" it was amazing and beautifully talented!LISSA