Y ! l0vE U

by L0StW0RDz   Nov 4, 2005

! l0v3 3v3ry part 0f y0u in 3v3ry s!ngl3 way.
! l0v3 y0ur 3y3z th3y l3av3 m3 m3sm3r!z3d
! l0v3 y0u f0r y0ur kiss3z that mak3s m3 m!ss y0u
! l0v3 y0u f0r y0ur pat!3nc3 that n3v3r s33ms t0 3nd
! l0v3 that sm!l3 0f y0ur and y0ur d!mpl3s
! l0v3 y0ur f0r y0ur ab!li!ty t0 alwayz mak3 m3 f33l sp3c!al
! l0v3 that l!ttl3 k!d thatz st!ll !n y0u
! l0v3 all 0f that and s0 much m0r3..
! l0v3 3v3ry s!ngl3 0n3 0f y0ur faultz b3caus3 !t mak3z y0u wh0 y0u ar3 n0w..


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