Tragic Suicide

by Dark   Nov 5, 2005

He stares out the window, as he finishes his letter of death
a tear drops from his bloodshot eyes, and now theres nothing left.
He hesitates to sign the letter, not sure if this is right.
But then he remembers what he's been through and what his life is like.
He knows his life is just a waste, it's not worth fighting for
so he makes his final decision to die, just doesn't wanna live anymore.
He closes up the last letter he would write, seals it with a sigh.
For such a happy looking person, who would thought he'd go and die

"I can't believe I'm doing this, I mean, is this a mistake?
Lord help me make the right decision, cause this is more than i can take..
I tried so hard to make things right, but they always end up wrong
is this really what I'm destined for? To live and die alone?
Lord why don't you answer me? Why are you never there?
Out of everybody in the dreadful world, I thought that you would care.
I'm tired of the ignorance, ignoring my prayers and tears
I was so ignored all through my life, and lied to all these years.
From this point on I'll make my choice, I'll always do what I can.
I'll swallow my pride and fear, I'll end life like a man."

He swings his arm around his back, and shatters the mirror near.
and for every piece that hit the floor, so did every tear.
he grabs a piece of broken glass, and shoves it in his wrist
he feels the burning in his heart, feeling the devil's wisp.
when he watches, as he dies, the blood drips on he floor.
and for every tear he seemed to shed, his wrists bled more and more.
He fights to stay awake, I don't think he's ready to die
But as it stays, hes on the opposing hand, of this tragic suicide.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Vicki

    Omg that was amazing!!! i got chills i have had experience with suicide and attempts and everything and this poem wow i could really connect, strong emotions!!

    it was very well written GREAT JOB!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Misunderstood Misery

    Omgsh...i cant discribe how i feel about this poem..i started to cry...5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashly

    Ur addicting i cant stop reading your poems. they are so true and heart felt.

  • 19 years ago

    by amber

    Oh my dear lord in heaven. . .this is the perfect suicide poem. . of course suicide isn't the answer it's just they rhyme scheme that you have done and the words that you've used. . .it's just AMAZING! i love it. . .i could actually feel his pain and his sadness and what all he's been through. . .it's just. . .wow. . . i'm speechless (that never happens to me) your amazing
    check out my work sometime. . it's not anything like this but hey it's poetry lol
    ~*~Amber~*~ (lifetimecowgirl)

  • 19 years ago

    by Me

    Omg. that was such a great poem it realli spoke to me u are sooo tallented and i hope u continue to write more perfect poems like this.