Comments : Deaf

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Lovely as always Muffin but whos this about? anywho me likey as pre usual lol keep it coming
    Love always

  • 19 years ago

    by erratic hippie

    I think this is one of my favourites!

    you could turn it into a song - if you take out a few of the repeating stanzas (so the chorus doesn't get tiring)....but these are DYNAMITE lyrics,'s times like these that i wish i still practiced guitar so i could create a melody for it

    ahh well, YOU'RE the music student *poke, poke* hehe...just thought i'd mention that after the lil' Lit kid comment i got...*raspberry*

  • 17 years ago

    by Victoria Rainey

    Wow very powerful spoken.. Im actually deaf myself and that is a really good poem