Comments : TIME LOST

  • 21 years ago

    by Lisa Reed

    Well im really chuffed thank you so much hehe.

  • 20 years ago

    by Jenn

    hey another great one but once agian sad you do have talent!! keep it up!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    wow, another beautiful poem by lisa the great...i wish i could write as half as good as you, you can so tell yours come from the heart, and so much emotion was put into can also tel you love poetry, which is a gift, especially if you can write it BEAUTIFUL POEM>>I LOVED IT ONCE AGAIn

  • 20 years ago

    by Rachel

    wow that was so amazing it made me cry. a lot of poets dont have the rythm you have i love it! i wish my rythm was better anyways you have a lot of talent and i love your poems!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Lisa Reed

    Timothy thanks a million for your lovely comment and of course the others that you left me on my other would be a real pleasure to call you friend :) thinking of you always an irish friend hehe. take care.

    Casey thank you so much for your comment to and im glad that you were touched also...........and it would be a pleasure to check out your poems........i will have a look at them today so no worries. Take care Casey

    and many thanks to everyone else that took the time to read, vote and comment.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin McNulty

    I've read so many of these poems that are dedicated to friends/family that have died and all of them, including yours, are ones that the people they are dedicated to would be so proud to read. Well done, it's really great, K

  • 20 years ago

    by hayley williams

    hey lisa if you were any1 else i might b able to not like you bcos your poems r so gr8 i wish i had half the talent you have! so sad!