Freeing My Dreams

by Nicole the Fairy   Nov 5, 2005

"Freeing my Dreams"

In my mind
I see my dreams
I don't think I'm blind
Nor do I have schemes

I know what I want
And what I can't have
My dreams will forever haunt
'Cause I won't take them in halves

I want to travel the world
Not just a trip out of town
Or my dreams will be hurled
I don't want to be bound

My heart wants to take wings
I want to see Gods creation
Experience glorious things
Not just the train station

Where can I go?
What can I see?
My spirits are low
So what will it be?

Should I keep these ties?
Or let my heart fly?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nicole the Fairy

    U r kool andi luve u lol

  • 19 years ago

    by james22

    Great poem, once again it flows well