Comments : Selfish suicide

  • 19 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Wow totally true i loved it it was a great very inspiring poem 5/5 definatly

  • 19 years ago

    by Drake Takeyama

    I hope you arent really feeling this way. I've seen my fair share of suicides, murders, and torture, and i know how bad things feel believe me i know. I myself failed suicide, i know pain and fear like no other serenity, you know that as well as i do. I hope you find the piece your looking for. {May The Light Guide You, But May The Darkness Protect You}

  • 19 years ago

    by tasha

    I kno how you feel im in suicide rite now its worse than b-4 and i plan on killing myself someday soon because i can not stand the pain. i have this guy im in love with and i told him how i felt and that i loved him and we made love the nexted day he broke up with me and said that we was only like brother and sister but yet he also told me he loved me and now he is trying to make me mad by trying to go out with my friend he is trying 2 make me mad hell no hes making me crazier than b-4 i cant wait to die to be in hell 4ever..........your poem was very strong but it means nothing 2 me

  • 19 years ago

    by zadyrose

    I found out the hard when i tried to die. anyways this is a really good poem i think it has a great message to it by hurting your self you also hurt the ones you love.

  • 19 years ago

    by Twisted Mind Broken Soul

    WOW I loved it I just hope u don't feel this way definetly a 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by silent eyes

    I loved your poem
    but, its not entirly true what if the ones around you hurt you, and don't care
    I still loved your poems

  • 19 years ago

    by xxLivxx

    Wow im at a loss for words...this was an amazing poem i believe it to be the best one i have ever read on this site....incredible job i just dont even know how to explain what im feeling right now im like crying and in awe at the same time! well im rambling now ill just say great job and KEEP writing you marvelous
    much love

  • 19 years ago

    by Syn

    Life sucks. what can i say.

  • 19 years ago

    by JL

    Beautiful, very meaningful. While i know its hard for those who attempt suicide to see this is true (been there). I hope everyone reads this and they realize that they DO have something to live for. take care XXXXX

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephy

    That is amasing and so true, i love it, good job!-xxx-

  • 18 years ago

    by eternitySOlong

    Utterly breathaking. I have tears in my eyes.

  • 18 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    That was great for content and the passion beneath. It wasn't good for some of the flow but the content makes slight problems like that meaningless.

  • 18 years ago

    by SaveMe?

    This is an amazing poem
    just like all your others...
    you have an amazig talent and i envy you very much=]
    i read this and thought about everything and ir made me feel a tinnie bit better =']
    keep writing your amazing =']

  • 18 years ago

    by Toni Ann

    My dad committed sucide and every day I wonder what it would be like to have him by my side. But I don't get that chance. He died too cuz he thought no one cared but if you look around there are tons of people still hurting over him and he changed my life forever it has been 11 years almost 12 so it has been a long time but I still wonder why he did that to me when I was only 5
    ~Toni Ann~

  • 17 years ago

    by Curry

    This is sad=[ but very good wirting! keep up the good work.

  • 17 years ago

    by jojo88

    Love it 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Black Rose

    I need this poem so bad its not my sister that wishes to be dead its my own mother that wants to leave her children alone.

    great poem its so true only wish people that do kill them selves think its not just there life thats ending