Death To Be

by EpithetPoet   Nov 5, 2005

If i swallowed these pills
Would they really end my tears?
Or would they just add to the hate?

Would they quiet my sobs
With their somnambulative trance?
Or hit my stomach in their unruly fate?

I'd give anything to feel the happiness
That other people obviously feel
But my emotions have become dust
And blew out with the last birthday zeal

If i took this knife
And slit my wrist along its veins
Would it really end my pain?

Or would i wake up inder intense light
And spend hours under watchful eyes
Just to have it all happen again?

Does it even really exist?
This love... this happiness?
Or have fairy tales entrapped us all?

But there's a reason it's just a tale
'Cause it's only found in dreams
My love... My happiness... My fall..

Death To Be


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  • 19 years ago

    by Krete

    The speculative risk of suicide, its what forestalls any plan. That is any plan to end it all.

    The piece has a well defined outcry. It shows the side of a p1ssed off EpithetPoet. Who demands to know if Happiness or love does exist.

    Such questions become circular figure eights - never ending. I have yet to find my answers. But I always say ... Why do I linger on, to face an empty dawn?

    Maybe to stand strong, and live long? Or what? Living life should be a blessing, but why is it so? So like this?

    A deeply affective poem. Loved your message, your outcry, the confusion, the emotion especially.


    *You never fail.

  • 19 years ago

    by ElegantlyWasted

    Something morbid and depressing.
    - Sophisticated in that "I hope you are okay" sort of way.

    Love heaps,

    "I can see violets in your hair"