
by SMILEoften   Nov 6, 2005

When you look at a butterfly
It really looks paper-thin
To see their real beauty
You really have to look within.
The pretty designs on their wings
Or the ones that are plain
Some may look alike
But none are the same.

Delicate piece of nature
Is what beats the eye.
But my friend, this bug
Has the strength to fly.
Despite the dangers it risks
It flies above the ground
Looking so fragile
Not making one sound.
Paper thin bodies
You will doubt their strength.
But, look closer
They can fly for a length.
Colorful or plain
Everyone is unique.
Strong, powerful
Helpless and discrete.

To doubt nature
Is remarkably wrong.
For nature has many things
The strength to carry on.
Butterflies are just one insect
That prove nature right.
Butterflies have the strength
To fly in your sight.

Delicate piece of nature
Is what beats the eye.
But my friend, this bug
Has the strength to fly.


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Atomic

    Wow! I absolutely heart the topic!

    Who would have known...just wow!

    I see no error with this. =)

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lydia O

    I loved these lines:
    It really looks paper-thin
    To see their real beauty
    You really have to look within.

    Excellent job. It was well written and welll expressed.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    I like butterflies. they are awesome your poem is beautiful. the set up is nice the last four lines that you repeated actually worked well with ending this piece. well done!
