A little shed of tears
A hurt smile full of fear
As uncertainty paces to and fro
Woe it is to those who wait
For lady luck to decide their fate
She never arrives
To those who waste their time
But the forgiven broken promise
Of a finger tied with string
Years ago a little girl
Sat upon this swing
She had colorful eyes
One spiraled green
The other ocean blue
The bluest ever seen
She had an unknown mother
Sought to be dead
And a price
Was held on her head
Her father was a man
Who was often serious
He too one day died
This little girl became delirious
Forced to take after her father
In a few daring ways
Trying hard to keep herself
Always and forever the same
Born rich yet held with blame
This little girl felt so ashamed
On the other swing sat a boy
With light blond hair
Brushed out as if by wind
He was always there
He too had a string
Tied upon his finger
And every day the thread
Turned even more into a ring
One day he sat on his swing
The girl didn't notice him next to her
She started to sing
A voice all would prefer
And yet tears streamed down her cheeks
Darkening the sandy ground
Disturbing the thoughts
Of anywho around
The little boy saw her
He too wanted to cry
Listening to her words
As she tried to tell mom and dad goodbye
She was so tired
And yet so young
And to her she felt
That darkness surely had won
The little boy looked at her
Continuous, longing eyes
One green as forest, the other blue like the skies
He wanted to tell her
Please stop
Or else his heart too
Would fall to a drop
As tears piled up around her
She finally did stop cry
And let out a pained
Continuous sigh
The boy just stared
As she gazed off into space
He already knew
She felt out of place
He wanted to tell her
That she will never be alone
And in the dark
A bit of light is shown
Her brown hair plumed
In a continuous swish
And her lips were so lush
One would want to kiss
You don't understand
This is his friend
And on this earth
Time can't always slowly be spent
This girl knows him
She sees him each day
But this day... oh,
Her tears wouldn't obey
It had been too much
Both mom and dad dead
Inside she knew
Her heart bled
She fell off the swing
She had fainted from shock
Her body stay still as a rock
The boy gasped as he went to help her
With tears in his eyes
Not a single day should this pain exist
He did not like hearing her cries
He helped her up though unconscious
And felt her breath
If only once
Should she feel a guys caress
He loves her so
And she should know
She's the one tied with string to his finger
Same above
Same below
He was destined to be with her
He carried her body
His shoulders trembling
He breathed barely
He brought her near some trees
It started to rain
This time
He felt her entire pain
He took off his coat and put it on her
So she wouldn't freeze
And then he fell
To his knees
His fingers shook
And he held her close
As if she was
The rarest rose
He would wait here till she woke up
He showered her with love
In pain