What Happened To Best Friends Forever?

by TinyDancer46   Nov 7, 2005

Bring me the garbage can
Throw away the notes
Each and every letter
That we ever wrote

Throw away the pictures
Blow off all the dust
Throw away the frames
Because of all the rust

Take away the bracelets
That we always wore
Take them far away
I don't want them anymore

Don't forget to throw away
Each and every single cd
The ones that we'd listen to
The ones she burnt for me

Forget about the times
That we were ever together
Forget about what happened
To best friends forever


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by meghan

    Ahh. your amazing. keep writing so i can put more of your poems in my notebook (=

  • 19 years ago

    by nO1cOmPaReS2yOu

    This poem really gets me, because one of my best friends was told a lie by a girl she can't stand about something I "apparently" said & 4 some reason she believes her over me.She told me today, "we wont beable to work this out" . she wont even listen to me. it sucks. ever since I started highschool, my number of bff's has drastically decreased & every loss is very painful. bff's hard to find & impossible to forget.

    but anyways.......magnificent poem!
    =] for the poem
    = [ for the loss of a dear friend

  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    That was a very good poem. I thought it was great how you just let the words flow, and it carried the whole poem. It was a very great peom. you should check out my peom sometime, i only have one but its my first one so it means alot, comments tell me if i should keep writing or not. Thanks

  • 19 years ago

    by Sara




  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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