Comments : What Happened To Best Friends Forever?

  • 19 years ago

    by Tisha

    I know exactly how you feel.Thats a very good poem,just like all of yours.Keep up the great work.

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Sara




  • 19 years ago

    by Mandy

    That was a very good poem. I thought it was great how you just let the words flow, and it carried the whole poem. It was a very great peom. you should check out my peom sometime, i only have one but its my first one so it means alot, comments tell me if i should keep writing or not. Thanks

  • 19 years ago

    by nO1cOmPaReS2yOu

    This poem really gets me, because one of my best friends was told a lie by a girl she can't stand about something I "apparently" said & 4 some reason she believes her over me.She told me today, "we wont beable to work this out" . she wont even listen to me. it sucks. ever since I started highschool, my number of bff's has drastically decreased & every loss is very painful. bff's hard to find & impossible to forget.

    but anyways.......magnificent poem!
    =] for the poem
    = [ for the loss of a dear friend

  • 18 years ago

    by meghan

    Ahh. your amazing. keep writing so i can put more of your poems in my notebook (=