by ~*Nicki*~   Nov 8, 2005

Since the day i first met you
i was shy as could be
i was only so young
to understand what you were going to be

a few years later
i fell in love
the fact that you were older
had no affect on me

i later found out
i was only one thing to you
but that does not change
my feeling for you

i feel so good
when I'm with you
I'm not going to give up
give up my love i have for you

i had an idea in my head
that if i don't give up
maybe someday
well be someplace besides your bed

we would be there for each other
care for each other
like lovers do
i would be so happy to have you

some day i know
if not already
you will love me
and of course I'll love you too

till that day
which i know will not come soon
but i know i would never
never have someone like you


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  • 18 years ago

    by Luna

    That was a very great poem.
    I love how you expressed your emotion
    luv it

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Hye darl. a t0uching piece. beautifully written. great j0b. heartfelt p0em keep em c0ming. thank u s0 much f0r the c0mment 0n my w0rk. it meant al0t t0 me =)