Comments : LaSt TimE~*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Wintersolstice

    So sad...but boy do you give him the guilt trip. Well done as always though. ;~)

  • 19 years ago

    by yaRis

    Ola linda como estas? well 1st i wanted to tanx u for commenting on my 2 poems but especially on the Cuenta la historia corazon. It means alot to me dat poem and since is a true story even more. Well the 2nd thing that i wanted to say was dat u write so beutiful all your poems. U put alot of emotions into them and even better when they are real storys i like dat. I guess we are even i write good in spanish and u write good in english 50/50 lol. Well the 3rd and last thing i wanted to say was dat i read your latest poems all 5 of them from "nothing lasts for ever" throug " I never thought id find u" Im really sorry dat all dat happend to you with ya baby marco. All the things that u went thru u can sum it up by saying " U Flew and then you fell"... Don't worry ma' every things happen for a reason for good or for bad.... N u never know what's around da corner specially wen it comes to love... "SI TU AMOR ESTA LEJOS DEJALO VOLAR SI ES VERDADERO EL REGRESARA..." Take care ok and plz keep writng ur one of my fave poets 5/5 on all 5 poems Ciao...

  • 19 years ago

    by `*~1-lUv~*`

    Most of ur poems relate on wat i feel bout my "ex-baby" i can relate alot wi6th them. I think all of ur poems are wonderful. Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Girl I know exactly how you feel. Sort of like whats happening with my ex. He was IT. The guy every girl wanted. And I had him. He has the same story your ex has. He was a drug dealer. Big one too, ranking in 10gs a day. Biggest playa I ever known though. But I was his girl and NO ONE touched me.Street credits u know. We was doing good. Up and down like any relationship. I moved in with him, but I was only 16 and when my family decided to move to Florida well I had to go with them. He promised me he would move with me. And we packed and shit. One night he went to hang out with his friends and got stopped by the police, well drugs, guns, and no license....court date. He had to go to court 1 month after we were due to move. He couldnt go. We broke up...and he got deeper into his dealings. Friends got shot, he got shot and I couldnt deal with it being so far away and hearing all this shit happen and I told him he needed to come here or it was it. And we broke up. I love him he is my FIRST TRUE love. But now I know this guy. A friend. And well he is so sweet and well my ex ended in jail, and I love him and we still talk, but this guy he treats me like a queen. Down side he is married. I know. I am crazy. But my life is one drama after another. ANd that is my story. Well an overview of it anyways.

    This poem is nice too you know...


  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Damn cant do anything. Mira la diferencia entre el hombre y la mujer...cuando ellos no las pegan nosotras sabemos perdonar, pero que nosotras play them y es como que el mundo se acaba. Yo se lo que es llorar por un muchacho nena. Yo estaba con Rolando desde mis 13 anos. Y man que mucho yo llore. Porque lo vi ir desde cuando solo era un mariquito vendiendo weed, asta que era el numero uno y el jefe da todo el east side y toda su ganga, y me dio miedo. No podiamos ni salir casi porque siempre havia pelea. No con migo sino con la competencia y la otra ganga. El era FOLK y la competencia era CRIP. Tu sabes. Bueno asta nos siguieron una vez high speed chase u know eran 5 muchachos en una expedition con pistolas disparando y pues que mas el podia hacer conmigo en la expedition de el. Ahora el tiene 21 anos. Pero cuando eso paso tenia 16. Era un cabron en los negocios. Esta preso ahora. y sigue haciendo negocios, no de drogas pero vender es lo de el. Porque pasan las cosas asi nunca voy a saber. Pero bueno, el tiene 3 hijos. 1 conmigo, mi hija, y 2 mas con otras muchachas. Tiene 3 anos mas de carcel. Y seguimos hablando, pero que me puede dar el? Nada, y este otro tampoco, pero por ahora es bastante. Si lo amas dirle...Nunca vas a olvidarlo, y si con el esque te sientes feliz....trata de recuperarlo.

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Oh and that last poem about rape, isnt true....MELI

  • 19 years ago

    by Megadrive

    I like both of ur poems (Why it wont let me comment on the other one is beyond me) advise use more ,.! it gives the reader a beat to follow u make them stop pause and all that when u want them to=D good job! I like them both

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess09

    I like this poem too and same advise as befor. wanted to throw in a thought or two tho, DON'T cut, i have before and it is a BAD thing to get into and really hard to stop. i started depending on it to keep me going and i shouldn't have, look at the good and focus on that, keep happy thoughts even when it is hard, and cry as much as needed it helps when you don't keep your feelings botteled up!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Me&You (simply magical)

    Ohhhhh no dont i'm guna start crying, oh sweetie, *hugs* this guy inspires you so much though so i'm happy for that cuz this poem was the sweetest. i loved it to pieces.
    luv ya jess xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by JAY Poet

    I know how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    great poem!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Touching and amazing poem, are so talented... I love the way you express your emotions, and you have a great way with words. Great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla

    What I think is that... Well I would say you need to move one and let go, but I have been where you are. I was with a guy for 1 year and half, then he just stoped talking to me... the knife and I reunited after 6 months and I thought that I wanted to die, but its not worth it...The pain and the scars! Everyday I have to face them and it makes it harder... yet they are proof that its over... Keep Your head up and never stop writting... You are amazing...


  • 19 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    Hey this is real swet and sad...hope your ok..the poem is good!

  • 19 years ago

    by Becky

    I think its great and amazing, but the knife is never the answer and it only screws things up trust me

    lots of lvoe