Not Anymore

by Kate   Nov 8, 2005

I don't understand what happened to us
Maybe it's you maybe it's me
Sometimes you make me feel so worthless
I let it roll off my back too many times
Some days I didn't have to wish I disappeared
I was already non-existent to you
But when you needed me I was there
Someone to talk to and vent to
Don't you f-ing take that for granted
Don't you f-ing take me for granted

All my life I was there for you
Even on the days I couldn't stand you
I'm sick of giving so much I have no self worth left
I'm tired of acting happy around you
When I'm really not
When you've taken so much
I have nothing left to give
Until I'm forced to rip out my heart and my soul just to please you

Don't expect me to feel like your best friend
You've taken that away long ago
Along with my trust and my compassion
So now I'm just a numb shell
And the only emotions I do possess
Are those of anger, despair, and sadness

I have memories of an earlier time
When you and I were whole and happy
But as we grew things changed, you changed
The only thing that bound us together was our needs and wants
You needed someone who'd listen
I just needed a friend

You found what you were looking for
But I look every day and I still haven't found it
I haven't found it in you, a friend
I now think its better to be alone
At least when you're alone there is no one else there to hurt you
And kill me and hurt me again
The way you do everyday

Now we go through the motions
Our days filled with crap
I watch you begin to spiral downward
As your hardships become more and many
But so are mine and you don't know it
So I have you held in my arms
I've tried to stop you from falling
But you're bringing me down with you

All you ever do is take and take
Never giving much back
This hurts me so much and still you don't know
Even when my brain screams in agony
Or my heart breaks with pain
Until my feelings are diminished
I feel below you

Soon I realize "I can't do this, not anymore."
Not with someone I can't call a friend
So I let go and step back
I let you fall
I can't be your breaks anymore
I've got to do something for me
Even if it's just this once
And as I watch you fall
We are able to drift away from each other

I know one day you will get back up
But it is not this day
And when that day comes
I won't be there
You will have lost me, maybe forever
I'm sorry, this is how it has to be
As I watch this happen I just feel worse
But I know one day I will heal
Something I could never do with you.

*If you guys have any advice or anything please feel free to comment*


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