My Hero(2)

by None   Nov 9, 2005

My hero may not be a superstar,
Or an accomplished athlete.
My hero my not be famous,
And I'm pretty sure she's not a mathlete.

My hero's name may not be in lights,
But I know that day is coming soon.
Because I know if my hero set her heart on it,
She could probably jump over the moon.

My hero has a dream that she wants,
And will work her hardest to get her chance.
Many heros star in movies,
But my hero loves to dance.

It's kind of hard to explain though,
What makes her such a heroic dancer to see.
Some people struggle and fail to see it,
But it's the most obvious thing in the world to me.

She always dances with a smile,
That shows love and tells no lies.
And you can really tell she loves it,
Because she shows it in her eyes.

So maybe my hero never saved the world,
Or found a cure for cancer,
But she truly is a savior to me,
Even if most see her only as a dancer.


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