Broken Glass

by TheDevilHerself   Nov 9, 2005

A yellow rose inside me
Is dying as i speak
Now i sit here empty
So futile and so bleak.

Now my rose no longer blooms
the stem is hanging low
I wonder why my yellow rose
would walk out on me so.

I am an empty vase now
just clear glass on a stool
to think that you would stay here
i must have been a fool

The petals fall so slowly
just drifting to the floor
my yellow rose is sleeping
or maybe something more

My flower isnt dead yet
and not all hope is lost
i refuse to let it go
no matter what the cost

I feel so weak and helpless
all thats possible's been done
my flowers life has been drained
it goes down with the sun

My yellow rose has died now
so lifeless here it lays
no longer may i help it
my yellow rose decays

I miss my yellow flower
the seconds slowly pass
then i fall and hit the ground
now i am broken glass

I'll die if i dont see you
i long to see your face
Its you, you are my yellow rose
so fill my empty vase!


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  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Hey sweety,
    brilliant peom....luved it..keep it up ok...luv ya.luv dia mwaz tc xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by MiSZ ALAiNA

    I loved it...thx for commenting on mine..

  • 19 years ago

    by TheDevilHimself

    I loved it really. its a gud poem naomz. i love ya take care. hugs and kisses 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Chad Reamer

    I liked the poem alot. It's wording and rhyme was great. Your really good keep up the good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Erin

    That poem was great i wish i could write that good

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