Give me a sign!

by ||The...Nameless||   Nov 9, 2005

I really do love you
Cant you feel it?
I know you cant hold me
In my voice can you hear it?
I dream of you
I think of you
I long to be with you
I thought you felt the same
You did
Now you don't?
I'm so confused
Everyday is new
But I still find my self loving you

Id do anything for you
I want to help you in everything you do
If you need love
Ill give you love
If you need hope
Ill give you hope
If you need words of wisdom
Ill try my best to say
Everything in my heart and head
And make those fears of yours go away

Some how fate thinks we need each other for a reason
But not either of us does know
But just in case we loose each other
My feelings for you I want to show


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  • 19 years ago

    by Fig

    I really like this poem. its simple but it has all the raw emotion in it. really good

  • 19 years ago

    by Bia

    Love it! Sometimes you love a person so much that you feel that connection. Once that person gone its hard to shake. I think you could relate to a lot of my poems. Excellent work.