by amy Nov 9, 2005
category :
Sadness, depression /
about depression
Do you ever think about things so much it tears you apart? well I'm thinking now and its hurting me so much i know i love him but i don't feel happy anymore i wanna just give up everything and die because that way the people who mean most to me will be hurt more than me i wanna just take a knife to my wrists or jump to my death but i cant do it theres nobody i can talk to no one to turn to what I've done is pulling me apart! I'm in love with him but I'm just not happy I'm falling for someone else but what if its a mistake? i need help to stop this pain but no body can tell me what to do its all up 2 me life is so hard and I'm in pain i need to give up but i have to carry on! |
Everything will turn out for better, if u need someone to talk to, im here. |