Untitled (dylan wrote it to me)

by Eye Candy*   Nov 9, 2005

Where can i begin?
or even start?
This poem comes from within,
Deep down in my heart.

I told you the feelings began to fade
your beauty was consumed by shade.
I though it would be frogoten about and you beauty again would come out...
The shade never went,
how can i make this work?! is all i dreamt.

I blamed myself for hurting you
and guess what? every body else did to.

Now i feel like a worthless piece of shit,
Rightly so, i defentatly deserve it.

Wel the truth came out as i knew it might
Sheey La your my best friend till the sun has no light.

And thats just how it will be.
I ask 1 single question.
Do you forgive me?

*Dylan wrote this 4me afta he broke up with me*


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  • 19 years ago

    by Giorgii

    If he made the effort to write you a problem, he obviously cares, but then what he did exactly could have been really bad. in my oppinion forgive him, and goodluck. oh tell him the poem is niceli written

  • 19 years ago

    by peaches

    Many guys dont usually write poems to girls unless they really care for them n even though u wont be togther u cant let a great friend slip away like this cuz once he is gone u may never find a friend like him ever again

  • 19 years ago

    by Sara

    Well thats love in my oppinion..
    It is really up to you whether you forgive him or not, but it is a great comeback..hehe