Parents aren't supposed to

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Nov 9, 2005

I don't understand the heavens at all
You made him rise while the rest of us would fall

I was told it was a seizure, then he huffed gas
He wouldn't hurt himself, he promised, so you doctors can kiss my ass

Coming home on Friday, i had 19 missed calls
The phone rang again, my heartbeat falls

A good friend told me there was a death
And that after school he took his last breath

His dad did everything that he possibly could
He'd die to bring him back, anyone would

So what do i do now without you here?
You helped me when i lost Randy, now you're not near...

And you told me that Tyler would make me feel pain
But hell he made me go insane

Almost a year we were together
But you promised a friendship to last forever

And now you're sister is like mine
Her and me are so close, sometimes i end up crying

She looks like you, especially her eyes
And i love her so much, it hurt me to see her cries

And now how do i say goodbye?
By putting a flower on your grave and breathing a sigh?

No, i don't care, that is not at all right
I'm only 15, how is this going to be alright?

I have to live and die without you now
How am i supposed to do that...HOW

I swear someone ripped you off up there
Someone obviously is jealous because you have so many people that care

You were jipped out of a life you barely had
That's so screwed up, it's so damn sad!

And when i lay down, where will you be?
Will you be looking at the stars next to me?

No you won't...I'll be all alone
Because everybody else wants to stay at home

So I'll just sit and scream as the pain grows wild
Parents aren't supposed to bury their child


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