Am I Pretty Enough For You?

by sarah jenkins   Nov 9, 2005

Is my hair the perfect color,
Are my nails done right,
Do I have the perfect body,
Am I just the right height.

Is my personality perfect,
Are my eyes a gorgeous blue,
Is everything about me ok,
Am I pretty enough for you.

Are you hiding your feelings,
Is there something your not telling me,
Are you truly in love with her,
Or are you too blind to see.

Can I be that girl,
Who in public will say I love you,
Can you be that guy,
Who will say I love you too.

Will you say I'm beautiful,
And tell me that its true,
But still I ponder this question,
Am I pretty enough for you.

Theres something about you,
That I cant let get by,
So until that day when we're together,
I'll just watch the days pass by.

I'll sit alone in this chair,
And decide what to do,
Always pondering the question,
Am I pretty enough for you?

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  • 18 years ago

    by Bridget

    This is a great poem and i am feeling the same way bout a guy right now keep up tha good work....

  • 18 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Good job again.. Poetry can be a beautiful expression of our inner most feelings or sometimes just a made up story either way you did a good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by MissSideways

    Omg..... this is an EXACT manifestation of my feelings and my thoughts RIGHT now!!! holy crap. like spot on.. except i have brown eyes and brown hair lol. but still. ur amazing! u were one of the first ppl to comment one of my first decent poems and it too me this long to show the same respect but im glad i did. ill keep reading. good work tho!
    dani xx

  • 19 years ago

    by ShatteredAngel

    Aw, that's so cute =) Good job xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea

    Thanx for the wonderful comment.
    i love this poem!!
    its wondeful..
    there must be someone out there that u care about alot.
    i always have this question running through my head about my boyfriend.
    wondering why he looks at other woman but yet am i pretty enough for him?
    its awesome
    keep up the great work.

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