Comments : Pull Out My Stitches

  • 19 years ago

    by Kouai

    Aww matters! this poem is wicked good! i'm so glad i told u about this site! lol

    i love u!

  • 19 years ago

    by Erin

    I really didnt know people got that deep (or at least admit to it) i love how u mix metaphores into ur poems so well. u should try getting some published. like in a magazine or even a poetry contest. well very well writen at some points i just got lost in the words its like i forgot it was a poem its like pure emotion. great job 5/5!
    ps thanks for the comment i kno not all guys r jerks i just havent been proven wrong yet, xept on this site

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow !! you're incredibly're now on my favs too:D:D
    lol...seriously talented writer..keep writing
    much love xoxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    Man...that's good...I'm wondering whether everyguy that name is Matt is I hev another fav poet here...whose name is Matt 2...and he is as good as u...u might know him...his name on here is u...well..if u don't...check him out...and hmm...I read many poem that has the name Matt in it...and none of them describe him as a bad guy(lol...)...nice one...I like it...

  • 19 years ago

    by Julia

    Wow, usually I have to tell people who flatter me that I like their poems as well,with somewhat a hypocritical edge. In your case though, the poems are really well written.

  • 19 years ago

    by Dory

    Wow matt...awesomeness :-D ur awesome and chesy :-D well...ill be puttin in a few new poems be sure to rate and comment :-D

  • 19 years ago

    by @ubrey

    You have an amazing talent, especially for someone your age. this kind of writing ability is a natural gift, keep using it you are a very talented writer

  • 19 years ago

    by BeautifulDisaster

    Oh wow, This is a fantastic poem, OMG you're only 12, I do not care about peoples age but to write such a masterpiece at that age wow, at the rate you're going you'll be the next shakespear my dear, this is brilliant! I'm older and I don't even understand some of these words hehe, wow this is just wow it took my breath away, I dont know what to say you have a special gift hun, VERY SPECIAL, don't ever change my love, take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Eyes_Of_Rain

    Great job with this one as well. You are amazingly adept, especially considering your youthful age.
    Full points luv'.
    Be well poet.


  • 19 years ago

    by xEmmax

    Omg that has to be one of the best poems i have read! i read it through 3 times! it was amazing, u are a very talented person! u are definatly staying in my favourites too! keep up the excellent writing,
    emma xxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by sammy jo

    You a really good writer and all, i think you should come read some of my poems and telll me what u think

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    Holy geeze! That was freakin' awesome! I am in awe, like seriously! Your was SOOOOOO Good! Holy crap! *ten years later* Holy freakin' greeze I loved that poem! You rhyming was so natural and good, and best of all it fit with the lines. It wasn't forced at all. I don't see that too often. Your vocabulary was also used extremely well! 10/5!


  • 19 years ago

    by aliiiii

    That was awsome. Great. Like " LoVe HuRtS " said, You should try to get it published. My sister and her friend are getting a book published. You really should try it!
    - Ali

  • 19 years ago


    Well, guess what, I don't give a f-uck about your mother, she can die for all I care. Your "swear" is something not to be taken seriously because you are a dolt. Yes, you did create Kyleigh, you psychotic necrophile. You aren't breaking to me anything, what a dum-ba-s-s you are, you think like a 12 year old and you whine like one but seriously, I think you're in your thirties, grow up loser. Well, you don't have to stoop down to my level because you're actually lower than my level that you make flagellates look like nobel prize winners. I am being honest too and you telling me you're being honest is worth my s-h-i-t. Well, I've discovered why your friend is suffering from anorexia though. She got sicked and tired of your fu-c-ki-ng r-et-a-r-ded existence and lost all her appetite for life, thanks to you, mister poet b-itchboy. I don't know about all your true experiences in your basement but I hope you go outside one day. And let me clear up one thing, your poetry induces vomit and disgust from me, how stupid can you be to assume I'm jealous of your filthy literary rubbish. Yes, I'll be having a nice day, I'll also be in heaven but you'll go to hell for being a clueless pretender. You don't have "to hope" because you're hopeless, get a life, I doubt you're even circumcised yet for a 30+ year old guy.

    Thank you Matt for actually telling me you're an apparent faker, I didn't need any help in finding out though, your poetry can kiss my as-s because it sucks sh-it. Yuck...Kyleigh, by the way, is a wh-or-e =)

  • 19 years ago

    by physco

    Omg that was amazing, iv read a lot of your work, and its all so sad, your an exellent writter, keep it up! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by physco

    O and, iv added u to my favs list, ur awsome!, u sre ur only 12? lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Shalisa

    Hey! I've been reading your poems and I had to comment and tell you that you are like freaking awesome. I've loved everyone that I have read! I wish I could write like that, and your twelve! Wow... major props dude! Check out some of mine if you want

  • *blinks* omg this poem is amazing... really good.. its sooo ummm .. emotional.... i'd say your "new found talent" is one heck of a good one.. keep it up. n_n

  • 18 years ago

    by zadyrose

    Wow your a great writter i wish i could write as good as you can i cant belive your only 13 well im definantly adding you to my fav list i hope you have a great new year
    your fan

  • 18 years ago

    by avery

    Wow, you have an amazing talent in poetry writing. You're extended vocabulary is really what makes the poem unique and excellent(in my opinion). Keep writing.