Just Friends

by Stephanie   Nov 10, 2005

My heart plummets for a thousand miles
Every time I see your smile
Lets leave this place forever
Lets leave this place together

Take me where I can look into your beautiful eyes
I'd rather look there then the heaven in the skies
I feel a shiver down my spine
Can you believe it's just from those eyes?

I hear the beating in your chest
A pulse that puts my fears to rest
I pull away from a quick goodbye hug
The feeling intoxicating me like a drug

We part until next time as friends will do
But you don't know that I never stop thinking of you
I'll be here forever and always
I'm your friend can't you see
Maybe, maybe not, that's what we'll always be


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  • 18 years ago

    by Just Lisa

    Aww... it's like you can read my mind LoL! I feel the exact same way! Nice poem! 5/5!!!
    *Just Lisa*

  • 19 years ago

    by *heidi;

    I like it! good job. thanks for commenting on mine. ya, i wish it would happen to me too.lol. it somewhat did,but no exactly. please comment on other poems and i'll return the favor.

  • 19 years ago

    by The B3autiful struggle


  • 19 years ago

    by BeeBeeGun

    Very well written
    I can relate to this also
    enjoyed reading your poems
    keep up the good work

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Thanks to everyone who reads...please comment!

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