Chained Spirit(Gay Poem)

by Michael   Nov 10, 2005

No free spirit am I,
darkness shrouds me,
no glimpse of light,
a prison holds me.

Within this body,
holds spirit prisoner,
yearning to get out,
scream truths,
but time will not let go.

Chains gather around me,
like snakes hugging me tight,
upon fingers,
and even my throat,
I"m not going out yet.

When I try to move,
only chains like sounds,
remembering pain of forgotten memories.

Tears fall down face,
no way out,
crumble to my knees,
plead for mercy,
to let chains fall,
and my soul be free.

Because I don't care what people say,
or what they think of me,
I am who I am,
a human being,
no matter what I am,
I am still flesh,
I am still blood,
I can feel like the sadness that has gripped me and tore my freedom to shreds,
but people still think,
I am weird,
because I'm gay...

...For because of it,
of me being this way,
did not expect that I was gay...

...I need to be alone...


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by she

    Oh,wow, i feel exactly like this too, but i dont think ur weird, ur not alone, and this poem is great!

  • 19 years ago

    by Fall X Child

    Beautiful. very sad though. just remember that you are beautiful as well no matter what you are.

  • 19 years ago

    by Leah

    Well hello. i do not know if you remember me. but of course my name is leah and a long time ago you gave me a comment on one of my poems. i was just reading old comments.. anyways. i was a really pathetic writer back then you commented on "tears of blood" and i was just wondering if you would mind reading a poem of mine and telling me how much i improved from then.. xox leah

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~'s been awhile since u post new poems...this really touches my heart...and I don't think u r weird...I think u r one great young man...I told u that I am proud of u before...I will...always...

  • 19 years ago

    by Michael

    Yup its a sad poem! YAY! This poem is a message to all the people out in the world who souls are trapped and not able to tell that they are gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual to others. This poem is also based on my feelings...(sigh) yah...I feel really depressed now :'(

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