Comments : The Real Me

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    Beautiful. it speaks so clearly to the reader (me) and the flow of it is perfect. none of the rhymes seem forced, and the vocabluary is great.


    note: stop changing your name so much! it makes it really hard to find your poems!!

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    I agree with Ruby on both points! But great poem anyway, I have often felt like that and reading this made me feel less alone...always a good thing.
    Loved it, keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreams

    'For to really get to know me'
    Is there a missing 'you' ?

    Hey this is an interesting poem. It's like you're shouting out 'hey this is me!' It has a dark feel to this poem, you make it really unique and different. The last line kind of surprise me, I thought you'd write something like ' this is the real you' but instead it's distorted. Kind of like a twist, at least to me, lol. The flow is there. Enjoyable. =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Grotesque Angel

    My fav line "And not exactly tall", sorry it had to be made.
    Kool poem.

    Darkest Wishes

  • 19 years ago

    by hm

    Hey u are truly telanted!that is exactly how i feel dfferent wired and crazy just coz i see a different side of things then most people!I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT UR POEM! thanks 2 u i now dont feel so alone! luv ..josie..

  • 19 years ago

    by Ramy medhat

    Very very good poem,deep feelings and emotions,i feel the words and i feel the pain of the one in the poem..just wonderful :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    I hear you suz
    I could add a few million more names that Ive been called but I'd rather not bring them up
    I really liked the poem by the way there's not one that I can criticies about. . .damn

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Really great poem - I think we are very alike!!

    Peace. [Sole]