Gonna Make You Bleed

by ~Broken~And~Twisted   Nov 10, 2005

I Wanna Make You Bleed

Hold my hands tonight

Ill hold so tight [Blood draws to your hand]

I'll Teach you what its like

Just so you can feal [The razor in my skin]

Ill make you bleed

Ill make you cry [So you know what its like]

To be used and hated

This revenge gets sweeter [As i continue my sick game]

Hold your hands closed tonight

Need to make you feel and bleed [Just like you did to me]

Go that place that no one knows

And make long silent screams [Whats it like when no one hears]

Im gonna make you hurt

Make you bleed and see [Just what its like to be me]

Dont scream or shout

As i throw these knives [Aimed right at your head]

And your gonna bleed tonight

Just like you made me over years [Every night the same in this sick and twisted game]


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  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa May LEE

    Its a nice poem, but just a bit confusing, and im sure it reflects on how you feel. keep hopes high high high! up in the sky dear ;)

  • 19 years ago

    by Always Smiling

    This is really good hun.... ur a great writer
    keep ur chin up
    luv always smiling oxoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by somechick

    I like it, good job, your a great writer so keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Tine

    that makes me silent.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Broken~And~Twisted

    Thnx for the comments everyone x