Broken friendship

by LABREANNA   Nov 10, 2005

I can't look at you in the eyes,
because you are full of bs and full of lies,
you lied to my face for a month saying you weren't going with man,
and now you're trying to explain to me so i will understand,
we are not best friends anymore,
matter of fact we never were,
cause if we were you would have never done what you did,
and expect me to forgive,
i loved him to death and you didn't understand,
that it was just a miracle to just to hold his hand,
if it wasn't for God i would you to rest,
and release all this stress on my chest,
well i thought you cared about me ,
but all it really turned out to be was a broken friendship that is all i see.


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  • 19 years ago


    WoW! Great job! This seems to be a deep yet meaningful poem! I LOVE it! Keep up the great work! I'm looking foreward to more of your poems!