Left Behind..

by Kat   Nov 10, 2005

Once upon a time in world of hell,
there was a little girl that fit in so well.
She was the one standing next to the devil,
God must have wanted her to live in hell.
He put her through the torture he knew she could not take,
So i guess living in hell was her fate.
Her family left her behind,
so now her and her new family had to get combined.
It seemed alright until the yelling and fighting began,
i guess living happily ever after wasn't in her life plan.
Her dad left and her mom began to cry,
She'll never forget the day her mom said she wanted to die.
But that wasn't the end of this horrible tale,
You see then in school she began to fail.
Her dad moved far away,
thats when she began to pray.
She prayed that God would help her carry this heavy sack,
but all God did was stab her in the back.
She began to drink beer,
getting arrested was the least of her fears.
She gave up on life,
one day almost striking herself with a knife.
She thought there was no point to live,
when she turned to God he had nothing to give.
Now shes older and still going through this pain,
She knows that there is nothing for her to gain.
Living in hell,
everyday that is where she will dwell.
I know this because I am that girl,
I also know my hell is just beginning to unfurl.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rolo

    I hope things get better and that you'll find something to believe in. Great job in getting your point accross. I think "hell" was a bit overused and the flow could be better. That's just my opinion, otherwise I liked it. Very emotional and I can tell it comes from the heart. Keep it up. Take Care, and thank you for commenting on my poem, I appreciate it and I hope your friend finds the help he needs.


  • 18 years ago

    by ~Broken~And~Twisted
