Deep Inside Of Me

by JAY Poet   Nov 11, 2005

When i look in the mirror
what do i see
a lost and lonely girl
deep inside of me

I try to see behind the past
and all the lies and fear
i try to see behind
all the cries for help
and tears

But deep inside of me
a lonely heart cries
because someone
that i loved
is gone and
our love had to die

When you look into my eyes
what do you see
pain and tears
raining on me

I try to cover up
this pain inside of me
but i cant
I'm hurt
i don't understand
why is this happening to me

Deep inside of me
the pain covers my soul
i don't feel whole
because now when i look
in the mirror i stand alone

Why GOD Why?
As i continue to cry
why me lord?
why did our love have to die?

I had him
now he is gone
and without him
i cant go on
i need him
and now he has left me
i feel like I'm nothing
I'm missing something
inside of me

When i look in my mirror
what do i see
A lonely girl
that covers up the pain

Copyright ©2006 Jayma Shawntay Gill


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  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    Very nice. i can relate to this poem a lot.. i rated this a 5. my fav lines were

    I had him
    now he is gone
    and without him
    i cant go on
    i need him
    and now he has left me
    i feel like I'm nothing
    I'm missing something
    inside of me

    keep it up!!

  • 18 years ago

    by JILLIAN


  • 18 years ago

    by X~ BrOkEn BeYoNd RePaIr ~X

    Another great write...i know how u feel! the first time you get your heart broken is the hardest, but it's for the best in the longterm! i hope writing peoms helps, i know it helped me! really good poem, thanks for looking at mine and check out some more if you get a chance, i know i will! amy xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Brittany

    Amazing...tnx for comment 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Fadedstar

    Oo awesomee poem!
    ii cann relate!
    really goood poem!