Wind Swept Sea

by RadianceInReverse   Nov 11, 2005

Captivated by a wind swept sea
the powerful rush against the beach
the dark smell that is released
and all the fresh breezes

She lies there as the tide comes
as the hard, cold waves
brush against her skin
her body seeps in
she can hardly breathe
as she slowly drowns
In this Wind Swept Sea

The wind blows longer, harder
as she drifts farther
into the unforgiving water
Now unseen, her life is gone
Now forever part of
A Wind Swept Sea

Different girl same Wind Swept Sea

Now further she did roam
dreaming of the one she loves
now getting closer to the calm sea

on top of the water she plays
until the clouds cover the beach with a dark haze
the sea now rushing and violent
pulls her under she cannot breathe

screaming for him, the one in her dreams
now unheard and unseen
becoming another victim of
This Wind Swept Sea

This poem is also a fave of mine..please comment and tell me what u think..Thanks..Joclyn


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~ it's one of my fav 2...very cute...unique...very interesting poem...never thought of wind swept sea before...

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Good work, just work on the stanzas, you know i like form but thats just me:) lol great subject matter, maybe take it further


  • 19 years ago

    by AsuraXMidnyteSun

    I though that it was pretty good.


  • 19 years ago

    by beautiful-angel

    This poem is is very very good keep writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Niced it has emotion...but you could have used just a little bit more imagination to further capture the reader's interest.
    But still, I liked it!

    Good Writing!