Never take your life

by *marnie*   Nov 11, 2005

I never really new how much i loved you until the day i left
i watched from the heavens
thinking of our bond
and now i see you in my mind
i no that u loved

oh what have i done
what a mistake i have made
taking away my own life
thinking it would solve my problems
when all i did was make it worse

why was i so dumb
i wish i could go back
please god give me one more chance
i will try and make it work
i hope it's not to late

So it's time to give up hope
for living life once more
i should have talked to some
somebody who cared
somebody like you

but just before i go
i have to say this now
don't ever take your life away
it wont solve your problems
think about your problems and talk to someone

but don't end up like me
never to live again
never to embark on journeys
what a mistake i made
please don't make the same mistake that crudely i made


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