My Testimony (not a poem)

by ChevyCowgirl23   Nov 11, 2005

I was lil i didn\'t know who God was
What God did or how he could change me until i went to a VBS one night and starting realizing who God was, what God did, and how he could change my life. I started going to Missionettes on Wednesdays, trying to raise myself in the Christian Religion, my parents still really not caring about it all. I\'d go on retreats and powettes which were campouts. Then one night when I was at the powette and we were standing by the campfire...and they asked if anyone didn\'t really know God or they wanted to know more about what God had in there life. I knew who God was What God could do, but i wanted to know more of what he had in mind for my life, so i went up and had a sponsor pray for me and i was like drunk and high on God I was just so in the presence of God. That was the first night i spoke in tongues. its amazing how you can think about things but God has control over your mouth the whole time! So then 6th grade came along.....i started the fall away from God, i started hanging out with the Goths and the ppl who swear...and i mean i had a friend i ate lunch with that was a Christian and didn\'t want me to do any of that....but it was my fault....for a while i thought she was a totally dummy for believing in God...until i heard something....i didn\'t want to get myself i stooped i got my life straight with God and my life got amazing.......i started hanging out with the older youth in my church.....and they sorta taught me what i needed to know to get through life with God.....then i started praying......just that God would show me what he wanted me to do in life and what he wanted me to be....then the incident happened.....i was always on line talking to this guy that lived kinda close to me and one day we decide we wanted to meet each other....well i told that to my friend who told her mom who told my mom and dad who called the cops.....that was a story in its yeah that happened wasn\'t allowed on line for awhile....but i knew God was going to something awesome in my life. so its now I\'m am 15 and i am going to be a youth pastor when i am older and i am going to help with youth and special educated students! God is amazing and i pray that each one of you would look for God and see what he has for your life!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    I glad that you aren't afraid to show your belief in God! i wish that more people would do it!!!! i am also a christian...and i wish that more poeple would stand up for God like you are doing!!!

    xoxo becca

  • 18 years ago

    by Brad Champagne

    Too often the power and love of God is ridiculed and ignored by those who don't understand Him. Everyone needs to testify and profess thier faith; the Bible makes that clear. Remember, it is not perfection in works, but perfection in love that God seeks. Keep the faith, and may the Lord bless and keep you.

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